"art is a great way for us to express our emotions and to be grounded in the present moment."
— resident of the Y
Artists Jane Earp and Kevin Blair have been working with the homeless centres of Leicester for 4 years on creative projects funded from local council wards, Leicestershire Partnerships NHS Trust and the National Lottery. From the successes of these previous projects they were very excited to get the funding from the Arts Council to do this brilliant project... Shout Out. Also funded by Leicester City Council Castle Ward and Leicester’s Everybody’s Reading Festival.
Their aim has been to foster social inclusion through the arts, improve self esteem and self confidence as the young homeless have become one of the least engaged groups to the arts.
Warning: Audio beats contain strong language.
Young Beat
Bryan Beat
East Beat

Composite piece of 11x10 squares

64 x 84 inches

64 x 84 inches

64 x 84 inches

64 x 84 inches

20 x 20 cm

30 x 30 cm

30 x 40 cm

30 x 40 cm

22 x 30 cm

25 x 30 cm

30 x 30 cm

size 7

size 7

size 7

25 x 90 inches

32 x 45 cm

21 x 21 cm

20 x 20 cm

20 x 20 cm

25 x 68 inches

21 x 60 inches

30 x 38 cm

43 x 34 cm

114 x 50 cm

42 x 30 cm

35 x 25 cm
84 x 84 cm
84 x 84 cm
84 x 84 cm
84 x 84 cm
40 x 30 cm

40 x 30 cm

23 x 23 cm

20 x 28 cm

40 x 32 cm

38 x 30 cm

38 x 30 cm

30 x 30 cm

40 x 30 cm

21 x 63 inches

45 x 21 cm
40 x 30 cm

33 x 35 cm